With a carefully crafted blend of 5MG THC and 1MG CBN with indica-like terpenes plus chamomile and lavender extracts, these delicious gummies settle you down into a smooth slumber as if you’re underneath the stars.
THC acts on CB1 receptors in the nervous system and has been associated with greater ease of falling asleep- as well as pain management, which contributes to better sleep.
CBN (aka Cannabinol) is shown in preliminary studies to have tranquil properties, particularly when paired with THC.
Chamomile is widely regarded as a sleep-inducer, creating a mild effect that helps decrease anxiety.
Lavender interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA to help soothe the brain and nervous system and reduce restlessness
When all these synergistic components come together, the result is a restful night followed by a refreshed morning. Sweet dreams!
Terpenes: Beta-Caryophyllene, Linalool, Myrcene
Expires on: 07/14/2025